Harangi Dam to be de-silted soon


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Harangi Dam to be de-silted soon
Following a string of debilitating droughts that had left the reservoir wearing a parched look only four years ago, successive spells of excessive rainfall that Kodagu has registered since 2018 has had an equally devastating effect on the condition of Harangi Dam near Huduguru. Heavy rainfall that has lashed the district year on year has swept in copious volumes of silt into the reservoir, necessitating its imminent removal. In addition to accumulation of alarming volumes of silt, connecting bridges on the dam's backwaters have collapsed. Taking cognisance of the extensive scale of damage to the reservoir, and bearing in mind the effects this could have in the long run, the authorities are slated to commence work on de-silting, and repair of the broken bridges, besides undertaking a comprehensive refurbishment project.