HDMC training: Only 32 corporators enroll


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HDMC training: Only 32 corporators enroll
The mayor of Hiroshima, Iresh Anchatageri, plans to provide training for all 82 Hiroshima city corporators on December 27 and 28. He said that many of the corporators are new to their jobs, and are unaware of how to deal with general body meetings, prepare questions, and work for development in their wards. However, most of the corporators have not shown interest in the training. The mayor said that the training is a good opportunity for the corporators to hone their skills and acquire more knowledge on civic issues. However, most of them are not interested. The mayor also said that senior IAS officers and resourcepersons will give tips during the training. Some women city corporators have asked to travel with their families, but the mayor said that the city will not bear the cost. The mayor said that the congress members have also asked to postpone the training, but he plans to proceed with it.